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Elk Grove Milling Inc

Stable Mix™ Lite

Stable Mix™ Lite

Regular price $32.23 USD
Regular price Sale price $32.23 USD
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Elk Grove Milling's Stable Mix LITE is a complete, TEFF HAY-based pellet, meaning that it contains enough fiber when fed as directed it can safely replace the other sources of forage in your horse's ration. Stable Mix LITE has less then 11% NSC which makes this feed suitable for horses needing low sugar/starch diets or very easy keepers. Stable Mix LITE comes with all the necessary vitamins (like Biotin) and minerals to ensure that all of your horse's nutritional needs are met. We don't just use any minerals- we use Zinpro Performance Minerals. These patented organic minerals are unique in the market place. This feed also contains pro-biotics, pre-biotics, and Selenium Yeast. Back-country ready, certified weed free. Add water to create an easy-to-chew mash. Contains no molasses and no corn.

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